
The Advantages of Multi-Antenna Arrays in Space Communication

Multi-antenna arrays are becoming increasingly common in space communication systems due to their many advantages. These advantages include increased gain, spatial diversity, beamforming, and jammer resistance. Increased gain means that a multi-antenna array can focus the signal in a specific direction, which allows the signal to travel farther and reach its destination more reliably. Spatial … Read more

Boeing’s Millennium Space Systems

In recent years, the demand for small satellites has surged, thanks to their versatility and cost-effectiveness. Boeing’s Millennium Space Systems has emerged as a trailblazer in the aerospace industry, capitalizing on this trend and revolutionizing small satellite production. In this blog post, we delve into how Boeing is shaping the future of satellite technology and … Read more

How AI is ImprovinAnti-submarine Warfare

Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) is the use of military assets to detect, track, and destroy submarines. It is a critical mission for navies around the world, as submarines can be used to launch devastating attacks. How AI is Improving ASW Traditionally, ASW has been a challenging task. Submarines are difficult to detect, as they can operate … Read more

Aeolus’ Return to Earth: Mission Control Feels the Heat

The European Space Agency (ESA) is simulating the assisted return of its Aeolus satellite to Earth. The satellite’s fuel is running out, and once it runs out, Aeolus will naturally begin to descend through the atmosphere. Mission control will command the satellite for the last time, targeting its reentry towards the ocean to reduce the … Read more